Friday, August 7, 2009


The hunt is ON! Yeah!

Hunters, there is a group for help. HUNT2HUNT. You can chat there for hints and such.

However, because of the kind of hunt this is, most have not hidden their umbrella hard at all. And all of them are within 20 meters of the landing point (or store depending on the type of landing point. ;) )

Keep an eye on this blog. We have had some problems with the scripting and we are still working out the final bugs. But the HUDs work. Today only they will not count. The scripter needs to get the rest of the shops in the hunt to finish registering. Only then will we be able to get the final count, and then the HUD will count along with you.

Because there were a few problems with the scripting, some of the shops will not be able to register till tomorrow. If you find a shop is not registered yet, then check this blog. There is the SLURL to each shop on the left of the blog. You can then come back in a day or two to get that gift.

Do not forget to come back for the gift. You definitely want all the gifts to get that final bonus gifts. You will get almost double the gifts in one room! All for just completing the hunt! Whoo hoo!

Click the poster for complete details about the hunt.

Thank you for checking us out and happy hunting!